Written by Cynthia Pavlovich
Translated with Eleanor Mitchell-Firth
Chan nan gwats’àt khanakhaandaii niidadhanh
We want to make a living from the land again
Nin kat eenjit mahsi’ hediidinjaa ts’àt nikhwits’at egidlii geenjit chan mahsi’ hediidinjah
We will be thankful for all the animals and we will be thankful for them singing to us
Chuu kak ch’ahndit zù’ gwichidhoh’eh
Cherish (value) the sparkle on the water
Nan kak tthak, chuu k’iighè’ gwindaih
Everything on the land lives because of water
Nan gwits’ee tohjah, gwatat gohdaii ts’àt jidii nan kak goo’aii t’adohch’uh
Return to the land, live on the land and make use of what is on the land
Datthak geenjit nan gwiinzii k’anohtih
Look after the land good for all
Tr’iinin kat yeendoo guugwiheelyaa guuveenjit
For the children who will be born in the future
Vadzaih zhùu nagitaa’oo shìk guk’iinjohshit
Always believe that the caribou will walk freely
nikhwidrii guuzhit gwindaii geenjit
for our hearts live inside them
ts’àt guudrii nikhwizhit chan gwindaih
and their hearts live inside us
vadzaih hàh ihłee iidilih
we are one with the caribou
Gwich’in Gwidinjii kat
Gwich’in people
Gwich’in Gwit’aii
Strength of the Gwich’in
Yeenoo dài’ nits’oo tr’igwiindai’ gwinjik gohdaih
Live the way the people lived long ago (speaking to more than one)
Nan ejùk nagwithilit gwinjik gohdaih
Live following the changes of the land
Gwich’in kat jidìi gichil’ee gwinjik gohdaih
Live following what is valued by the Gwich’in people
Have respect
Honor/ Have respect
Zhuu ghadidich’uh
S/he is loving (kindness)
Teaching others
Our stories
Atr’aadzoo ts’àt elik
Dancing and songs
Nihtat tr’indaii ts’àt nihk’atr’inahtih
Sharing and taking care of each other
Ch’igwijuu’ee ts’àt tthak nihk’it guk’atr’inahtih
Straight forward and looking after each other equally
Yeenoo nikhwichih gugwiindai’ kat guuk’it nan kak khehtak hàatsah
We will travel on the land the same way as the ones who lived before us
Gwiinzii gwitr’it gwàatsii guuzhik dlok nidhaa’aih
We are smiling while we do good work
K’agwaadhat ts’àt yeenoo nikhwichih gugwiindai’ nikhwiginee’aa gwinjik gwiidandaih
We live under the leadership of Creator/God and those who lived before us
Nihkwehdoo gugwiheendaii kat, gwiinzii gugwiheendaii geenjit
For those who will live after us, they will live a good life